Special Classes

Special Courses

In addition to our daily curricular pursuits, Discovery offers classes led by course specialists and assisted by our licensed child care professionals:  Gymnastics, Music, Japanese, and Swimming.

Scroll down to learn more!

Preschool students get ready to tumble in Nagoya's international school playground.


Early childhood physical activity is not only important for strong healthy bodies–it is also essential for brain development.  Along with daily physical education, a specialist provides weekly gymnastics lessons to ensure fitness of body and brain!

A teacher instructs preschool children in gymnastics at Discovery International School in Nagakute.
International school students practice crawling in the playground.

Music & Pianica

We believe the arts to be a key focus of early childhood development, growing a sense for the aesthetic and providing outlets for communication and creativity. At Discovery, children are instructed in voice and rhythm by an expert teacher and have opportunities throughout the day to enjoy music and movement. Our 4 & 5 year olds also have the option of learning how to read notes to play the pianica, with opportunities to perform!

Learning about brass instruments at Reggio Emilia inspired international school program in Nagoya
Children enjoying music class at English preschool in Nagoya
International school children playing pianica in their music class.


While our daily pursuits are entirely conducted in English, our school is located in Japan. Our optional Japanese class helps children build vocabulary, learn about Japanese culture, and even learn to read and write hiragana!

Learning Japanese at international school in Nagoya.
Learning Japanese at international school in Nagakute.

Swimming Class

In partnership with nearby Beat Swim Club, Discovery students have the option of taking weekly swimming lessons! A licensed child care provider accompanies the children to and from the lesson by bus and assists them at the venue. We also have pool and water play time in the school playground in the hot summer months!
